Friday, February 3, 2012

Starting Off

Alright, well I guess I should lay the groundwork out here.  I have always loved cooking.  I grew up in a household where my parents both cooked (mostly my Dad when he wasn't out of town on business).  But more importantly to me, BOTH of my parents encouraged me to help out in the kitchen.  And I don't mean by just doing the dishes.  I remember spending time with my mom making salads, leaving out the stuff I thought was gross at the time from mine.  Which of course left me with a bowl of lettuce, carrots, bell peppers and onions.  With a LOT of salad dressing to cover up the fact that I was eating lettuce to begin with.  I also remember spending time helping my dad cook a variety of things, but the thing I helped the most with was probably the home made pizza.  And no we did not just do plain old pepperoni and cheese pizza.  The crust was made from scratch and we put just about anything on it.

With that being said, I now live on my own, in a new city, and have to do all of my own cooking.  (Okay, so I did visit this city a few times in college and I have been known to cook my own meals before, even while living at home with Mom & Dad).  But all that aside, it's been a learning experience.  Just recently I learned a valuable lesson in food freshness...  Ended up getting food poisoning.  Take it from me, avoid getting that at all costs.

But I seem to be rambling here, so let me cut to the chase.  I am going to give this blog thing a try because I'm making some pretty interesting discoveries with cooking techniques, recipes, and even management skills in a very small apartment kitchen.  I never write down recipes, so I figure if I started a blog I might be more inclined to write down at least how I got to the final product.  I will share the successes and the failures, with photos when I remember to take them.  Tonight's dinner was an adventure, and it turned out pretty well.  however I do have to go to work in the morning and need all the sleep I can get.  So stay tuned, I'll have my next post turning out in the next couple of days!

May God grace your kitchen and the nourishment you gain from it!


  1. I like it!

    I have now used your salsa in two different dishes. Last night the salsa was an ingredient in the meatloaf. Last week the salsa worked REALLY well in the chicken frajitta mix. I like tomatoes in the mix but they usually create too much liquid and make the frajittas fall apart. Your salsa mix was perfect!

    Looking forward to more of your ideas.

  2. Glad you like it! There will be a salsa post coming later this month or middleish of next month. Many secrets of salsa making will be in that post, but of course I'm not going to reveal ALL of my secrets :P
